Meal Plans

Meal Plan website

Meal Plans
Student Unions | Main Level Room 248
520-621-7043 | 800-374-7379

General Information

The University of Arizona offers robust Meal Plan options that are designed with your convenience and flexibility in mind. These plans are structured to accommodate your diverse requirements, dividing them into different allocations, or "buckets": Swipes, Dining Dollars, CatCa$h, and Guest Meals. The Swipe Meal Plans includes all four components: Swipes, Dining Dollars, CatCa$h, Guest Meals.

Your Meal Plan annual cost can be split into 2 payments and billed to your Bursar account - one in the fall and another in the spring. Students who purchase their Meal Plans through the website can select to pay with a credit or debit card if they prefer. Note that all Meal Plan funds expire at the end of the academic year.